Umbilical cord issues at birth in North Carolina

Parents are often concerned about the baby’s umbilical cord being around the infant’s neck during birth. The umbilical cord, also called the nuchal cord, is wrapped around a baby’s neck in about one-third of all births, but it can cause serious health conditions in some cases. If you want to know more about severe birth injuries, here are some things to look out for.

More about the umbilical cord

The umbilical cord is covered with Wharton’s Jelly, which is a thick, protective layer. The layer is similar to the gristle and keeps the baby from pressing on the veins and arteries that run through the nuchal cord. Because of Wharton’s Jelly, the cord being wrapped around the baby’s neck is usually not an issue.

Diagnosing the cord around the neck

Ultrasound technology is not a useful tool to determine whether the umbilical cord is positioned around the infant’s neck. A medical study revealed that the chances of discovering a cord around the neck via ultrasound is only 65%.

If the midwife or doctor has determined that there is a cord around the neck, they will decide how to move forward. Usually, the cord is loose enough for the practitioner to slip the cord over the baby’s head. If the cord is wrapped several times, the unraveling process could take longer. Mothers are often advised not to continue pushing until the cord is taken from the baby’s neck. If mothers are not given specific instructions in a case like this, they could be eligible for compensation for the baby’s injuries during birth.

If your child sustained birth injuries due to an umbilical cord around the neck, speak with your lawyer about the possibility of filing a medical malpractice suit. The medical practitioner might be held accountable for negligent actions or failure to act reasonably.

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