According to the National Institutes of Health, cases of tonsil cancer in North Carolina and around the nation have been increasing throughout the years. The reason why many in the public have not heard of this is likely due to the fact that tonsil cancer is usually placed under the category of head or neck cancers. The NIH states that the rising numbers are likely due to people contracting human papillomavirus or HPV; the NIH released a report indicating that over 98% of people with oral cancer also tested positive for HPV.
Tonsil cancer will develop when cancerous cells begin to appear within the tonsils. Contrary to popular belief, those without tonsils are also prone to getting tonsil cancer as some tissue may remain. The tonsils hold what are called lymphocytes. These are cells that fight off bacteria and viruses. Some of the main causes of tonsil cancer include smoking and drinking heavily. In addition, when a person contracts HPV, they are much more likely to experience cancer within their lifetime.
One of the most concerning parts of tonsil cancer is that symptoms are often difficult to recognize. Some doctors are taken to court on allegations of medical malpractice due to ignoring these signs early on in a person’s cancer journey. The following list includes some of the indicators of tonsil cancer:
It is important to understand that the treatment you will receive will depend on the stage and amount of cancer you have been diagnosed with. If the cancer is caught early, then you would need surgery to remove any precancerous cells or tumors growing. If the cancer has not spread but is severe, then chemotherapy would be needed to reduce and hopefully remove the cancer cells from your body.
Tonsil cancer, from the diagnosis to the treatment process, can be extremely exhausting. Add legal issues to that, and it can be a downright nightmare. If a delay in diagnosis or another type of medical negligence caused you harm or delayed your treatment, you may want to obtain the proper legal representation to protect your financial well-being after the treatment.
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