The Rise of Outpatient Surgery Centers in NC: Unique Malpractice Risks Outside the Hospital

Surgery can be a terrifying and life-altering experience. With the rise of outpatient surgery centers in North Carolina, it is important to understand the risks. Sometimes, mistakes are made, important factors are overlooked, and bodies do not always respond positively – which is why it is good to know all of your options. Unfortunately, sometimes you learn the hard way, and deciding what to do in response to medical malpractice can easily become overwhelming.

What Is an Outpatient Surgery Center?

An outpatient surgery is when you undergo the surgery process without having to stay overnight in the hospital. They can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, followed by a brief assessment to ensure that you are safe to return home. Your vitals must be stable, and you must have someone to drive you since you were previously put under anesthesia.

North Carolina has experienced some notable growth in the number of outpatient surgery centers. According to ASC Data, the overall number of centers is expected to increase by about 22% over the next five years.

What Are Some Common Outpatient Surgeries?

Due to the in-and-out nature of outpatient surgeries, the procedures tend to be fairly straightforward. Some of the most common surgeries include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Cataract procedures (replacing your natural lens with a non-foggy artificial one)
  • Ear/Nose/Throat procedures (tonsil and adenoid removal)
  • Cosmetic procedures (skin grafting or breast reconstruction)
  • Urological procedures (vasectomies)
  • Orthopedic procedures (hip and knee replacements, as well as toe, foot, ankle, and leg surgery)
  • Gall bladder removal procedures
  • Skin procedures (mole removal or skin repairs)
  • Lumpectomies (removing cancerous tumors)
  • Colonoscopy
  • Endoscopy
  • Tendon and muscle repair procedures (rotator cuff surgery)
  • Hernia operations
  • Hand, wrist, elbow, and ankle repair procedures
  • Gynecological procedures (tubal litigation and D&C)
  • Hemodialysis for people with kidney disease

What Are Some of the Medical Risks of Outpatient Surgery?

It may feel nice to recover at home, but there are some medical risks regarding outpatient surgery. The risks are higher for elderly individuals, but it is still wise to be aware of them regardless of your age. Some risks include the following:

  • Risk of bleeding and/or blood clots
  • Risk of infection
  • Risk of negative side effects from anesthesia
  • Risk of going into shock
  • Risk of pulmonary embolism
  • Risk of stroke

The difficulty of outpatient surgery is that you cannot take a nurse or doctor home with you to watch you during every step of your recovery. The surgery may have appeared to have gone smoothly, but the risks are still there. If you or someone you know are experiencing any of the above, contact your doctor immediately and call 911 if it is an emergency.

If you have even the slightest feeling that it may be malpractice, your next step is to reach out to a local medical malpractice lawyer. They will be able to help you know whether or not your case qualifies as malpractice and, if it does, will help you take the next steps to file a claim.

Do I Need a Lawyer to File a Medical Malpractice Claim in North Carolina?

If you suspect that you or a loved one are a victim of medical malpractice in the state of North Carolina, you are more than welcome to start the claim filing process on your own. It is, however, highly beneficial to have an experienced medical malpractice lawyer on your side. They will be able to help you navigate the difficulties of the legal process, explaining them clearly every step of the way.

If you are suffering from the repercussions of surgery, you already have more than enough to handle. There are lawyers at Elam & Rousseaux, PLLC, who are ready to help you. They will build a strong case on your behalf by gathering important evidence and handling important paperwork. Their skills and compassion will be a key asset in your pursuit of recompense and justice. You do not need to walk this journey alone.


What Does the Word “Ambulatory” Mean?

In the state of North Carolina, ambulatory services can be described as any health service provided outside of a hospital. This can be things such as rehab, treatments, tests, and even surgeries. It is often used in the context of ambulatory surgery centers, which have been growing in popularity for many decades.

What Is the Difference Between Ambulatory Surgery Centers and Outpatient Surgery Centers in North Carolina?

The main difference between the two is that ambulatory surgery centers are privately owned and run centers for recovery, whereas outpatient surgery centers are owned by the hospital. This gives North Carolina ambulatory surgery centers certain rights and abilities that outpatient ones do not have, such as location, pricing, and regulations.

When Did Ambulatory Surgery Start in North Carolina?

According to the Ambulatory Surgery Centers Association, the first ASC opened on February 12th, 1970. The number of ASCs has been growing in both number and popularity ever since due to the level of comfort and the fact that they are privately owned and operated, as well. Some ASCs are located near hospitals, but they are not required to be within a specific distance of them, unlike inpatient surgeries.

Why Are Most Surgeries Outpatient in North Carolina?

The number of outpatient surgeries has increased exponentially over the years due to several factors. Some of the reasons behind this increase are as follows:

  • Recovering at home is often perceived as more comfortable
  • It is less expensive to recover at home
  • It can be less stressful

Overall, many people feel that these benefits outweigh those of inpatient surgeries, but it is still important to factor in the risks.

Learn More Today

Medical malpractice lawsuits can be overwhelming, especially when you are facing the unfair consequences of poor medical care. You deserve a team that will help you make the right moves and decisions in an effort to receive recompense for your unwarranted suffering. Elam & Rousseaux, PLLC, can help you every step of the way with experience, compassion, and tenacity. Let us fight on your behalf. Contact us today for a consultation.

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