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Why is misdiagnosis common in older adults?

Diagnostics for older adults can get tricky as many different conditions exhibit similar signs and symptoms. Dementia is quite tricky because there…

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Can epidurals cause long-term side effects?

Before receiving any type of medical procedure, your doctor or healthcare team must inform you of the potential risks and side effects.…

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How to prepare for your medical malpractice case

You cannot predict the future but you can prepare for the worst. Medical errors are a real problem. If a doctor injures…

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How can back injuries affect your paycheck?

After a car crash, it is not unusual for victims to end up with some sort of physical injury they must then…

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How can you prevent a surgical error?

When you go in for an operation, you expect that the doctors and nurses caring for you will do everything in their…

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An overview of meconium aspiration

If you are preparing to give birth, it is pivotal to review potential complications and take steps to protect yourself and your…

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