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Statute of limitations for birth injuries in North Carolina

It’s a sad truth that babies suffer from serious injuries during childbirth by the thousands every year. These injuries have the potential…

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Are there common emergency room mistakes that cause harm?

Accidents and medical scares could lead someone to rush to the local emergency room. North Carolina patients hope to receive an accurate…

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What issues are considered to be never events in healthcare?

In North Carolina, too many incidents of medical malpractice occur nearly every day. Many of these situations involve what is known as…

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Surgical errors account for many medical malpractice claims

As a resident of North Carolina, when you have to undergo a surgical procedure, you expect things to go normally and come…

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When should a heart murmur be medically evaluated?

Many residents of North Carolina have probably been diagnosed with heart murmur. Often, this condition is fairly harmless and doesn’t lead to…

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What are the most common lethal mistakes made by drivers?

When you’re driving on North Carolina roads, you expect to have a relatively stress-free experience. Unfortunately, while you can control what you…

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