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How can distracted driving cause serious injuries?

As you travel on a highway or other crowded street, you may begin to notice subtle signs of drivers struggling with distractions.…

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How can forceps leave birth injuries?

As you push during labor, you may need added help from forceps, which are metal tongs that help your baby go through…

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Can rushing be to blame for failed diagnoses?

If you feel rushed through your doctor’s appointment in North Carolina, you are definitely not the only one. Feeling like your doctor…

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What all parents should know about seat back failures

Even though modern cars, pickup trucks and SUVs have hundreds of safety features, they remain risky for young passengers. In fact, according…

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When is a medical mistake actually malpractice?

Humans make mistakes, and since medical professionals are humans, they may do so as well. However, medical errors may prove life-threatening to…

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How much could an SCI cost you over your lifetime?

When you think of a spinal cord injury, it is easy to imagine a serious motor vehicle accident. That makes sense since…

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