North Carolina Truck Accident Statistics [2024 Updated]

Trucks play an essential role in our country’s infrastructure by transporting important products from one coast to the other. No matter where you drive, you’ll likely run into a semi-truck. However, because trucks are so large and are constantly using interstates and highways, they also tend to cause many accidents. Unfortunately, NC experiences many truck accidents every year, which is why it’s important to educate yourself on North Carolina truck accident statistics.

Common Types of Truck Accidents in North Carolina

Trucks are commonly found on interstates and highways because they generally transport items to places that are multiple hours away and often over state lines. Because of their large size, trucks are not able to slow down or avoid obstacles as quickly as smaller cars. This means that when a truck is involved in an accident, it can cause severe damage to a smaller vehicle and anyone who may be in it.

Accidents generally occur due to some form of negligence on a driver’s part. Many different kinds of trucking accidents take place here in North Carolina, including:

  • Jackknife Crash: A jackknife crash involves a truck that stops very suddenly, resulting in the truck and the trailer bending towards itself at a 90-degree angle. This can potentially cause cars to pile up behind the impaired truck.
  • Rollovers: If a truck driver loses control of the vehicle, the truck can roll to its side.
  • Rear-End Collision: A rear-end collision can have serious results due to the heavy weight of the truck.
  • Truck Load Falling Out of the Trailer: If a truck’s load is not properly secured, it can fall out of the back of the trailer, causing damage to vehicles around it.
  • Blind Spot Issues: Due to a truck’s length, it will have many blind spots. When a truck driver wants to turn or change lanes, it may not see vehicles that are in the blind spots. This can cause an accident to happen.
  • Tire Blowouts: A tire blowout can create a serious accident, as the truck will lose control and can hit other vehicles and even spin out.
  • Head-On Collisions: Head-on collisions are very serious truck accidents and can often result in severe injuries or even death.

The Most Common Cause of Truck Accidents in North Carolina

It is difficult to pinpoint just one cause of trucking accidents, as there are several things that can cause a truck accident to happen. However, one of the most common causes of truck accidents seen in North Carolina is distracted driving. Distracted driving can come in a variety of forms, including:

  • Falling asleep
  • Changing the radio station
  • Taking a phone call
  • Texting
  • Eating
  • Talking to other passengers
  • Reaching for something in the backseat

Reckless driving can also lead to accidents, especially if a driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Bad weather also commonly contributes to accidents in North Carolina, as it can affect visibility or road conditions. Truck accidents can also be the result of the trucking company failing to complete safety inspections or keep up with other safety protocols.

Why Truck Accidents Can Be Deadly

Truck accidents can cause serious injury or death due to the large size of the vehicle. Trucks are often loaded with a great deal of equipment and products, making the vehicle extremely heavy. Because trucks are so loaded down, it takes them more time to come to a full stop, make a turn, or avoid any upcoming obstacles. This is why it is very dangerous for another vehicle to cut in front of a truck, as the truck cannot maneuver quickly enough.

Additionally, as the trailer the truck is pulling is long, it causes many blind spots for the driver. It is easy to unknowingly get in a truck’s blind spot, where the truck driver cannot see you. If the truck driver decides to turn into the lane that you are in and cannot see you, this can result in a serious accident.


What State Has the Most 18-Wheeler Accidents?

The state that has the most 18-wheeler accidents is Texas. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Texas had 20,537 accidents recorded in 2023. As Texas has the longest mileage of roads in the country, as well as a large production of oil and gas, it is not a surprise that there are many 18-wheelers that drive through the state, ultimately increasing the number of accidents that happen there.

What Is the Most Common Type of Trucking Accident?

The most common type of trucking accident is a rear-end collision. These accidents are usually caused by a distracted driver, which results in them hitting the vehicle in front of their truck. Sometimes, a rear-end collision is due to the truck driver failing to break in time or due to reckless driving. Whatever the reason for the rear-end collision, injuries can result from this kind of accident, including whiplash, concussions, back injuries, or more severe issues.

How Many Trucking Accidents Happen Every Year?

In 2022 alone, over 120,000 trucking accidents occurred across the country. Accidents can happen due to distracted truck drivers, poor road conditions, drunk driving, or drivers who are too tired to drive. Sometimes, accidents can happen due to a failure to keep up with safety regulations. No matter what the cause, trucking accidents are extremely dangerous. If you are ever involved in one, make sure you prioritize your safety before all else.

What Is the Truck Accident Rate in North Carolina?

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the truck accident rate in North Carolina has been relatively consistent, with the number of truck accidents keeping in the same range over the last several years. In 2023, the number dropped below 7,000 for the year. Hopefully, rates will continue to decline over the next year.

Reach Out to a Skilled Truck Accident Attorney

Because trucks are an essential part of our country’s infrastructure, they’re generally on most roads. If you have been a victim of a truck accident, do not wait to see if you qualify for legal action. You do not have to deal with the aftermath of your accident alone. Contact Elam & Rousseaux, PLLC, for passionate legal assistance after a truck accident.

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