Author Archives: Elam William (Bill) Elam

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Should you accept the insurance company’s first offer?

The North Carolina Department of Transportation reported that in 2021, over 276,000 car accidents happened across the state. Car accidents can be…

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What is torticollis?

Birth is a miraculous event that brings joy and happiness to families. However, sometimes complications can occur during childbirth, leading to birth…

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Where is the safest seat in a vehicle?

NC Chamber reported a 21% increase in fatal traffic accidents in North Carolina from 2019 to 2022. A total of 1,667 people…

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The causes and consequences of medical misdiagnosis

Medical misdiagnosis, though often unintentional, can have profound consequences on a North Carolina patient’s health and well-being. While some of these consequences…

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What is a cephalohematoma?

During childbirth, there is a small chance that a baby may experience a birth injury. One type of injury that can occur…

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What are some signs of anesthesia malpractice?

Anesthesia plays a big role in a patient’s comfort and safety during surgeries. However, there are many ways that it might go…

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