Author Archives: Elam William (Bill) Elam

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Looking at statistics on cerebral palsy

Whether you are struggling with the aftermath of a birth injury or you are pregnant and worry about the possibility of something…

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The dangers of misdiagnosed cancer

Regarding any illness, early detection is important. However, early detection of cancer is crucial to prevent it from getting worse or spreading…

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The danger of drowsy driving

Drinking alcohol. Speeding. Texting. These are the types of factors that come to mind when people think of driver behaviors that may…

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What are brachial plexus injuries?

The spinal cord consists of a complete network of nerves, including the brachial plexus. It is responsible for sending signals from the…

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How long do you have to file a medical malpractice claim?

If you believe you have suffered malpractice, there is a time limit regarding how long you have to file a claim. The…

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Who is at fault in a multiple-car accident?

When one car crashes into another, the fault may or may not be easy to determine. A two-car collision may not be…

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